Saturday, June 30, 2012

Flash Cards

Understanding the rational for why we take action is important.  Below is a link for 48 flashcards that will help you reinforce your knowledge.  Look through the key concepts and terms.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let’s Practice
Below is a link to a Mind Maze that has been created.  This maze is an interactive way to practice your critical thinking.  The maze below with take you through a case scenario. You will be presented with a patient.  Continue through the scenario until the patient is transported to the hospital by EMS. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

What is Next?

Mind mapping is a tool that can be utilized to help students logically organize data and facts.  When the map is done it shows the student a visual representation of their thoughts and how they want to move through them (McWilliams, 2008).

McWilliams, A. (2008). Benefits of mind mapping – Why is it an excellent tool during learning lessons?. Ezine Articles. Retrievedfrom ? Benefits- of-Mind-Mapping---Why-is-it-an-Excellent-Tool-During-Learning-Lessons?&id=1787046

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Facts about CPR

CPR doubles a person's chance of survival from cardiac arrest.

75% of all cardiac arrests happen in a person’s home.

32% of all cardiac arrest patients get CPR from a bystander.

A victim of cardiac arrest can only survive for 4 to 6 minutes before oxygen deprivation causes brain death.

The typical victim of cardiac arrest is a man in his early 60's and a woman in her late 60's with underlying heart disease.

Cardiac arrest occurs twice as frequently in men compared to women.

There has never been a case of HIV transmitted by mouth-to-mouth CPR.

The most common heart rhythm for cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation (VF).

VF is fatal unless an electric shock is given from a defibrillator.  CPR does not stop VF, it just aids in circulation until the VF is corrected.

CPR does not provide as much oxygen to vital organs like the heart and the brain as normal circulation does.  CPR does provide enough oxygen to keep these organs alive until the heart returns to a normal rhythm.

If CPR is started within 4 minutes of collapse and defibrillation is provided within 10 minutes, a person has a 40% chance of survival.


American Heart Association. (2011). CPR facts. Retrieved from

Eisenberg, M. (2010). Learn CPR: You can do it!. Retrieved from

Monday, June 18, 2012

Below is a link to a good article by Lira (2011) on some of the guidelines, indications, and contraindications for CPR.  It also has some great videos on compressions, respirations, and positioning.  Please review the article.
Lira, A. (2011). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Medscape. Retrieved from

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

2010 AHA CPR Guidelines
        The American Heart Association has changed the 2010 guidelines for how effective CPR should be delivered.  If you are unfamiliar with the new standards please look at the link below.

        The video below shows effective CPR, but uses the old guidelines.  Do you think that there should be a tighter hold on these types of videos so that they are updated when the guidelines change?  Experts are split; some say that any CPR initiated is better than nothing (Skura, 2010).  What are your thoughts?


Skura, E. (2010). Pros and cons of first aid training?. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(12), E549-E550. doi:10.1503/cmaj.109-3293
YouTube. (2008). How to perform CPR:  How to perform a CPR demonstration. Retrieved from

Monday, June 11, 2012

Success Story of CPR
What do you think?

First Aid & CPR
        It is said that only those that encounter emergencies should be trained in first aid and CPR.  Well guess what, that is everyone!  The likelihood of surviving an out of hospital cardiac arrest improves when the witness of the event performs immediate CPR (Skura, 2010).  Our population is getting heavier and less compliant when it comes to their health (Morabia & Costanza, 2004).  Because of this it is suggested that the target population that needs to be proficient in these skills are those that live or work with people more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes (Skura, 2010).  With this said, this is still a large portion of our population. 
      The purpose of this blog will be to supplement information provided throughout the course and to provide an open arena for discussion.  We can learn a lot from each other. 
Morabia, A., & Costanza, M. C. (2004). Does walking 15 minutes per day keep the obesity epidemic away? Simulation of the efficacy of a populationwide campaign. American Journal Of Public Health, 94(3), 437-440.
Skura, E. (2010). Pros and cons of first aid training?. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(12), E549-E550. doi:10.1503/cmaj.109-3293