Monday, June 11, 2012

First Aid & CPR
        It is said that only those that encounter emergencies should be trained in first aid and CPR.  Well guess what, that is everyone!  The likelihood of surviving an out of hospital cardiac arrest improves when the witness of the event performs immediate CPR (Skura, 2010).  Our population is getting heavier and less compliant when it comes to their health (Morabia & Costanza, 2004).  Because of this it is suggested that the target population that needs to be proficient in these skills are those that live or work with people more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes (Skura, 2010).  With this said, this is still a large portion of our population. 
      The purpose of this blog will be to supplement information provided throughout the course and to provide an open arena for discussion.  We can learn a lot from each other. 
Morabia, A., & Costanza, M. C. (2004). Does walking 15 minutes per day keep the obesity epidemic away? Simulation of the efficacy of a populationwide campaign. American Journal Of Public Health, 94(3), 437-440.
Skura, E. (2010). Pros and cons of first aid training?. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(12), E549-E550. doi:10.1503/cmaj.109-3293

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